EP06 Beth敢于正视芭蕾遗憾 EP07 感恩节泪目 EP08 Kate EP10 Randel EP14 KevinSophie不是久别重逢而是新的相遇 EP15 Who is Miguel EP16 Mommy and her children 以及最后两集大外甥等了隔离的大妗子一个月重聚一起笑着流泪看完这就是family love最好的意义
EP1:The world should stop for mom T.T 我的妈呀,最终季一上来就扔催泪弹.Randall is too good for the world, beautiful but perpetually disappointing ride. We have found our light before, big brother and we will find it again. 再次体会到第一集看完的感动和温暖Ep2: see you in 50 years. 最后的插曲Right on time太催泪了.Ep5的结尾穿越时间总是相互误解错过的母女终于在钢琴前真心相对! Kevin&Sophie,终于在right timing碰到right person.