So raw. You don't get happy endings, and you don't get filtered life with all the ugliness explained by scriptwriters as something forgivable and beautiful. What is pain simply hurts. The scary thing is that at one point I thought the movie is filled with tropes of sexual trauma, only to realize that the reason is that the "tropes" are prevalent.
整体上构图着实喜欢光影运用如画布高光暗影画面的油画质感可谓赏心悦目叙事仍保持着舞台色彩镜头调度上就是差不多吧故事说清楚就行了经典故事新编爱情悲剧不如说是“老葛朗台成功投资教学”“不良资产处置实例”与“欧也妮的解放日记”女性觉醒及自由精神的立意尚可但改编融合多少生硬了些老葛朗台依旧吝啬塑造上侧重于父亲身份及父爱角度的增强使角色脱胎原作倒颇为丰富有趣“女人若是因为惯例结婚不如单身更好”“我不会成为你的玩物玩偶与宠物”男人不会允许不结婚的女性but who care爱的谎言早就不管用了欧也妮从头至尾都未曾需要过婚姻