对bergman肃然起敬 Time and place do not exist, on an insignificant basis of reality, the imagination spins, weaving new patterns. 这片子体验太赞了 像肉桂味的鸡尾酒在喉间翻滚了两圈咳出一味酣甜的那种涩意后半段像失眠在未知时间的凌晨迷糊地睁眼感觉整个房间里的橱柜、角落都离自己远去或又快速地放大失焦于晕眩中一般美妙 #个人十佳#
“We are living in a world that is blowing itself to hell as fast as everybody can arrange itin a situation like that all a man can do is shut his eyes and let nothing touch himlook out for himself”